Thursday, June 4, 2009

God's Love, God's Grace

Hey! - just wanna share something today that the Lord put on my heart today....You all know that God has said the whole Bible can be summed up with only 2 laws: "Love the Lord God with all your heat and all your mind and all your strength" and then, "Love other people just like you love your self" The problem is - we can't just muster up that love on our own strength - we need God to expend that Love into us in order for us to do these things. I crave His Love and I crave His Grace. We need more pastors to teach relational theology - the Bible revolves around this central theme! And no where is this more needed today than in the family - Believe me, I can speak on this from personal experience.

At any rate, Joel Osteen writes a pretty convincing application to using this rule:

"Nothing will drive the peace out of your home any quicker than constant criticism. Similarly, you can disrupt the atmosphere in your workplace by incessant griping, snipping, and having a critical attitude.

The Bible teaches, “We need to adapt and adjust in order to keep the peace.” It doesn’t say that other people should adapt and adjust to us. No, if we are going to have peace we have to be willing to change.

You can’t have the attitude, “Well, if my wife would start doing what I ask her, then we’d have peace.”, or “If my husband will start picking up his stuff, then we’ll get along just fine.” or, “If my boss would start treating me right, then I’d quit being so rude to him.”

No, we have to make adjustment in order to keep the peace. In other words, you have to swallow your pride sometimes. Maybe you simply put his shoes away. And then don’t go announce to him what you did. “Well, I just want you to know I picked up your shoes …again…today…like I do every day.”

No, just put them away and keep your mouth closed. You may not realize it, but when you do your part to keep strife out of your relationships, you are honoring God. When you honor God, He will always honor you. When you sow seed of mercy and kindness, you’ll begin to see your relationships improve.

The key is learning to adapt. We have to be willing to make adjustments. Stop waiting for somebody else to-do; instead, you be the peacemaker in your family or in your workplace."

I love you guys and I pray all the Lord's Blessing on your families as he uses you to build other marriages and at the same time working on yours,(and mine), as well - We are all a work in progress, but we can start helping others with what the Lord has shown us and at the same time keep a 'teachable' spirit for our own marriages